
Cosma / Communication / Knowledge / Realm / Terrestrial / Life / Microorganism / Protist


MooMooMath and Science (YouTube Channel)
MooMooMath and Science (Official Website)


protist : any of a diverse taxonomic group and especially a kingdom (Protista synonym Protoctista) of eukaryotic organisms that are unicellular and sometimes colonial or less often multicellular and that typically include the protozoans, most algae, and often some fungi (such as slime molds) — Merriam-Webster   See also   OneLook


Protist is any eukaryotic organism (that is, an organism whose cells contain a cell nucleus) that is not an animal, plant, or fungus. While it is likely that protists share a common ancestor (the last eukaryotic common ancestor), the exclusion of other eukaryotes means that protists do not form a natural group, or clade. Therefore, some protists may be more closely related to animals, plants, or fungi than they are to other protists. However, like the groups algae, invertebrates, and protozoans, the biological category protist is used for convenience. Others classify any unicellular eukaryotic microorganism as a protist. — Wikipedia

Protist (Encyclopædia Britannica)

Protists (Tree of Life)
Protista (WolframAlpha)



Articles about Protist (Big Think)




Protistology is a scientific discipline devoted to the study of protists, a highly diverse group of eukaryotic organisms. All eukaryotes apart from animals, plants and fungi are considered protists.[1] Its field of study therefore overlaps with the more traditional disciplines of phycology, mycology, and protozoology, just as protists embrace mostly unicellular organisms described as algae, some organisms regarded previously as primitive fungi, and protozoa (“animal” motile protists lacking chloroplasts). — Wikipedia

Protistology (Biology Online)




DDC: 579.5 Protist (Library Thing)
Subject: Protist (Library Thing)

Subject: Protist (Open Library)

LCC: QL 366 Protist (UPenn Online Books)
Subject: Protist (UPenn Online Books)

LCC: QL 366 Protist (Library of Congress)
Subject: Protist (Library of Congress)

Subject: Protist (WorldCat)




MERLOT: Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching
OER Commons: Open Educational Resources



Microbiologists (US Occupational Outlook Handbook)


Microbiology Society
American Society for Microbiology


Protista (bioRxiv: Preprint Server for Biology, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)
Microorganism (EurekaAlert, American Association for the Advancement of Science)
Protist (JSTOR)
Protista (Science Daily)
Protist (Science News)
Protista (



Protist (


Here are links to pages about closely related subjects.

Knowledge Realm

Terrestrial   (Earth)

Sphere Land, Ice, Water (Ocean), Air, Life (Cell, Gene)
Ecosystem Forest, Grassland, Desert, Arctic, Aquatic

Tree of Life
Microorganism Virus
Prokaryote Archaea, Bacteria
Eukaryote Protist, Fungi, Algae, Protozoa (Tardigrade)
Plant Flower, Tree
Cnidaria Coral, Jellyfish
Cephalopod Cuttlefish, Octopus
Crustacean Lobster, Shrimp
Arachnid Spider, Scorpion
Insect Ant, Bee, Beetle, Butterfly
Fish Seahorse, Ray, Shark
Amphibian Frog, Salamander
Reptile Turtle, Tortoise, Dinosaur
Bird Penguin, Ostrich, Owl, Crow, Parrot
Mammal Platypus, Bat, Mouse, Rabbit, Goat, Giraffe, Camel, Horse, Elephant, Mammoth
Walrus, Seal, Polar Bear, Bear, Panda, Cat, Tiger, Lion, Dog, Wolf
Cetacean Whale, Dolphin
Primate Monkey, Chimpanzee, Human


1.   The resources on this page are are organized by a classification scheme developed exclusively for Cosma.