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Human’s advanced abilities in the use of symbols and tools is what makes them so unique, so it is not at all surprising that the discipline that concerns itself with the use of symbols as tools is one that can subsume all other disciplines and encompass the entirety of humanity’s accomplishments. — M. E. Hopper

Communication is a discipline that can subsume all others.

Cosma has a page about communication as a discipline.

The knowledge resources on Cosma are also organized around these elements of communication systems.

Media, Knowledge, Human and Noise

There is a well known hierarchy for describing the content of communication.

DIKW Content Hierarchy

These are the types of content in the hierarchy.

Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom

Cosma focuses on knowledge and wisdom.



The success of the first electronic telegraph line in 1844 opened an era of modern communication.  
Before the telegraph there existed no separation between transportation and communication.
Information traveled only as fast as the messenger who carried it. — Daniel J. Czitrom, Media and the American Mind: From Morse to McLuhan

Communication and transportation have been intertwined since the beginning of human history, and they remain closely related today. These are the ways of moving people and content around.

Modes Ground (Cycle, Automobile, Train), Sea, Air, Space


The medium is the message. — M. McLuhan, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man

Media are the means of communication.

Mastering media is essential for effective communication.

Cosma has a page that describes media as a discipline.

Media come in these different formats.

Format Multimedia (Video, Animation) Image (Object) Scent, Flavor, Audio (Text) Haptic, “Other

Media serve different functions, and those evolved from analog to electronic and then digital.

Function Communications Computation Storage Creation Simulation
Analog Mail Device Paper Type, Print Automaton
Electronic Network Calculator Tape Record Elektro
Digital Internet Computer
Hardware Modem Microprocessor Memory Peripheral Robot, XR
Software Service (Web) Program (OS, SS) Database Application AI, VW


Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty. — J. Bronowski, The Ascent of Man

Cosma has a page about knowledge as a discipline.

Knowledge Resources

Cosma provides a systematic inventory of the best knowledge resources on the Web!

Knowledge Adventures

There are also periodic “posts” about great knowledge resources on the Web.

Knowledge Navigation

Cosma enables spatial “Knowledge Navigation”of the Knowledge Resources inventory hosted on this site. The project is founded upon the premise that when knowledge is intuitively organized, and then presented in a spatial format, everyone can easily master it. That is why this site features Worlds for exploring it.

Knowledge Worlds
Knowledge Objects (K-Objects)
Knowledge Places (K-Places)

Knowledge Gates to Second Life (K-Gates, Alpha)
Knowledge Palace (K-Palace, Beta)
Knowledge Paradise (K-Paradise, K-Places 1.0)

Toy Worlds (Post)
Worlds Challenge

Knowledge Forms

Form is supposed to cover the shape or structure of the work; content its substance, meaning, ideas, or expressive effects. — Richard Middleton, Form. Key Terms in Popular Music and Culture

Pages on Cosma have links to knowledge resources organized by this unique classification scheme.

Introduction Discipline
Reference Dictionary, Thesaurus, Glossary, Encyclopedia, Outline, Guide


Adventure Exploration, Trail, Quest
Imagination Fiction, Whimsy, Wish, Dream, Folly, Hope
Wonder Curiosity, Mystery, Truth, Beauty


Philosophy Metaphysics, Logic, Epistemology, Ethics, Aesthetics
System, Cycle, Structure, Growth, Complexity, Control, Disturbance, Entropy, Chaos
Process, Manage, Design, Prototype, Implement, Assess, Revise, Maintain


Innovation   Creativity, Mathematics
Science Research, Discovery
Technology Invention, Intellectual Property
Commerce Entrepreneurship, Product


Preservation Stewardship
History Collection (Classification)
Museum Objects (CCO)
Archive Records (EAD)
Library Resources (DDC, LCC)


Education Course
Community Occupation, Organization, Event, Forum, Blog, News, Article, Book
Government Document


Entertainment Humor, Toy, Hobby, Competition (Game, Sport), Spectacle
Arts Performing, Visual (Architecture), Culinary, Language (Poem), Music, Dance
Belief Hypothesis, Forecast, Rumor, Superstition, Folklore, Faith

Knowledge Realms

knowledge realm : a kingdom, sphere, or domain for holding the body of information, principles and truth acquired by humankind — M.E. Hopper, Cosma

The bulk of the pages on Cosma are about the stuff that surrounds us. They are organized using a scheme of “realms” assending from the inanimate to animate and then to sentient and beyond.

Use the Zoom page to start exploring the realms.

All realms have geography and chronology.

Geography Navigation, Map
Chronology Calendar, Clock





Law (Constant) Relativity
Force Gravity, Electromagnetism (Light, Color)
Matter (Microscope) Molecule, Atom (Periodic Table), Particle

Universe (Astronomical Instrument)
Galaxy Milky Way, Andromeda
Planetary System Star, Brown Dwarf, Planet, Moon

Our Neighborhood
Solar System Sun
Terrestrial Planet Mercury, Venus, Earth (Moon), Mars
Asteroid Belt Ceres, Vesta
Jovian Planet Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Trans-Neptunian Object
Kuiper Belt Pluto, Haumea, Makemake
Scattered Disc Eris, Sedna, Planet X
Oort Cloud Etc. Scholz’s Star
Small Body Comet, Centaur, Asteroid


Terrestrial   (Earth)

Sphere Land, Ice, Water (Ocean), Air, Life (Cell, Gene)
Ecosystem Forest, Grassland, Desert, Arctic, Aquatic

Tree of Life
Microorganism Virus
Prokaryote Archaea, Bacteria
Eukaryote Protist, Fungi, Algae, Protozoa (Tardigrade)
Plant Flower, Tree
Cnidaria Coral, Jellyfish
Cephalopod Cuttlefish, Octopus
Crustacean Lobster, Shrimp
Arachnid Spider, Scorpion
Insect Ant, Bee, Beetle, Butterfly
Fish Seahorse, Ray, Shark
Amphibian Frog, Salamander
Reptile Turtle, Tortoise, Dinosaur
Bird Penguin, Ostrich, Owl, Crow, Parrot
Mammal Platypus, Bat, Mouse, Rabbit, Goat, Giraffe, Camel, Horse, Elephant, Mammoth
Walrus, Seal, Polar Bear, Bear, Panda, Cat, Tiger, Lion, Dog, Wolf
Cetacean Whale, Dolphin
Primate Monkey, Chimpanzee, Human


Anthropological   (Human)

Self Body, Brain
Society Culture, Family, Dwelling, Fashion, Celebration

Afro-Eurasia Africa (Egypt), Europe (Italy, United Kingdom), Asia (China, Japan)
America North (Mexico), Central, South, Caribbean
Oceania Australia, New Zealand
Polar Regions Arctic, Antarctica



Hypothetical, Mythical, Celestial
Unicorn, Pegasus, Phoenix, Mermaid, Elf, Fairy, Muse, Athena, Angel